Moxoff SpA

Moxoff SpA
Moxoff is a SME spinoff of the MOX laboratory of the Politecnico di Milano founded in 2010. Moxoff business model is based on the ability to effectively transfer technology and know-how from the world of research to the world of industry. Moxoff competences consists in advanced scientific skills in applied mathematics, simulations and statistics, reinforced by the link with Politecnico and by an internal scientific committee, together with managing and commercial skills of experts coming from industrial innovation and technology transfer background. Based on this competences mix, Moxoff approach consists in transforming the results of academic research into software tools and services that can be used in a reliable and effective way in the industry sector, even by non-mathematicians. Moxoff activity consists in applying mathematical modelling to solve complex industrial problems, providing cutting edge solutions to industrial knowledge requirements, and to develop customized software at customers' disposal for their business. This approach is configured in consultancy, applied research, solutions development and software maintenance services, applied to wide and varied range of industrial sectors. Moxoff portfolio is completed by vertical software products offered to specific market targets. At present Moxoff is a team of 20 experts in mathematical modelling, simulations, statistics and software engineering, having a deep and wide knowledge and experience in numerical methods and multiphysics simulations, and in exploiting them to address technical and engineering challenges to deliver innovative solutions to industries.